DMT Petrologic GmbH & Co. KG
Karl-Wiechert-Allee 76
30625 Hannover, Germany
Phone: +49 511 5413917
Prestack Kichhoff 3D Time Migration
3D Prestack Kirchhoff Time Migration offers solutions to problems arising from complex geology with conflicting dips and with different stacking velocities. 3D imaging of such structures at prestack stage is the only way to resolve e.g. tilted fault blocks.
In addition the 3D PSTM generates common-reflection-point (CRP) gathers which can be used for amplitude variation with offset analysis or elastic inversion.
Further benefits are:
- Acquisition footprint compensation
- The estimated 3D RMS-velocities can be used to compute 3D interval velocities via Dix conversion
- Implementation for superior performance on our 64-node Linux cluster
- 3D PostSTM
- 3D PreSTM
3D PSTM in actual practice
- 3D PostStack Time Migration
- 3D PreStack Kirchhoff Time Migration